“Each day I tried to survive, I didn’t try to get ahead too far.” That strattegy worked well enough for Kevin Bott. By playing it safe in Sin City and not getting in over his head, Bott placed 14th out of 2,500 players and earned himself $275,000 over the course of the 6 day poker tournament.
“I never really put chips at risk. I let people Qiu Qiu Online Terpercaya knock each other out, and stayed alive when I had to,” explains Bott.
Although the World Series is the biggest tournament Bott has ever entered, for the last 7 years, he’s made his living by playing poker, either in smaller games or online. In fact, Bott won his way into the World Series by paying $75 to enter an online game. The actual tournament charges a buy in of $10,000 dollars.
“A lot of people think you’re wasting money. But I Qiu Qiu Online Terpercaya do a little buy in and get a lot of money,” says Bott.
But by placing so well in this world class tournament, Bott has proved to skeptics that playing poker is a more than sufficient way to support his family.
“Eventually I knew I’d get here, I just didn’t know it would be so soon,” smiles Bott.
Greg Raymer, the newly crowned World Series Poker Champion and newly made multi-millionaire, showed his wealth and fame won’t change, by making Qiu Qiu Online Terpercaya his triumphant return from Vegas on a budget plane flight.
‘Yes, we stayed on Southwest – we’d already paid for tickets,’ explained Greg, nicknamed ‘the Fossilman’. ‘I’m going to be glad to go first class when someone else is paying, but I can’t see spending $1,000 for a wider seat and free drinks for four hours.’
Greg flew back to Connecticut a hero, after clinching the $5 million title last week. When asked if he’d gone on any spending sprees, he replied characteristically: ‘After I won, a lot of people gave me logo shirts, things like that. So I wanted to get Qiu Qiu Online Terpercaya another suitcase,’ he recalled. ‘The only store open at the Aladdin was ‘high-end’ – $800 for a suitcase. I said forget about it, even if I did just win $5 million. Somebody said, ‘You can get a Rolex.’ Why do I want to spend $5,000 on a watch? I’m happy with my $100 watch.’