Steve and I have been playing a lot of poker lately and we’ve always tried to play the “most profitable” game. We tend to make money at each game over the long run, but we’ve found that heads up sit and goes are a quick way to run up a bankroll on PokerStars.
Now, the 2 person SNGs are not the ones you should be playing. You should play the 4 person SNGs. Why?
Well, if you win the 4 person SNG you only have to win 2 matches in a row and you win $20 for a $5 buy in, $40 for a $10 buy in, and $80 for a $20 buy in. You profit more because you only paid one buy in – rather than 2 – to win 2 SNGs in a row.
If you don’t understand the math, ask Steve, he does a better job of explaining it.
Try it out, we’ve been able to run up some nice bankrolls in a very short amount of time.
After losing 300 dollars on poker in Windsor I still didn’t reevaluate my play. I was also starting to get tight on money. My attitude plus the money problems started to mean that poker wasn’t fun anymore. My play became horrible. I started playing loose aggressive instead of tight aggressive. I think for at least ten home games in a row I didn’t come close to the money. Since we do re-buys I usually re-bought once or twice so I was out $20-$30 each night. All that plus the money I was losing at festivals (again because of the same attitude problems) I was out about $1000.
I needed a break. After having a conversation with Joe, a good friend of mine and very good poker player, it was determined I was getting too stressed with poker because of the money I had been losing. Once it stopped being fun I couldn’t play my game anymore, and thus I kept losing. I decided to take a break from any serious poker and to just have fun with the game rather then be so concerned about the money. I’ve only been involved in two home games in the last few weeks. I lost both but I had fun with them and played better then I had been. More about
If you ever find yourself losing lots of money and the game just doesn’t seem fun anymore I highly suggest you take a break for a few weeks, take a long deep breath, reevaluate your game, and most importantly try to have fun.